Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Zero Tolerance for Idiots Blog

The Zero Tolerance for Idiots ZTFI blog is an idea I had several years ago to establish a forum for people who find themselves randomly coming in contact with idiots from all walks of life. You know, those people who drive down the highway in the middle lane reading a newspaper swerving left and right or those people that drive a hundred miles an hour to cut you off right at the exit ramp of the highway. How about the people who cut into those long lines we often find ourselves standing in as if they are more important than us or thinking no one will notice?

I'm thinking of a slogan for ZTFI that could be something like: "share my pain." To join the blog, simply post a message here detailing your most recent encounter with an idiot. Always remember, venting can be a very cathartic experience!

Stay tuned for more interesting ZTFI information and activities! I'm currently working on a nice logo. Maybe we can sell ZTFI tee shirts!!

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